TinyMCE Configurator

Configuration Options


show menu bar

show toolbar 1

show toolbar 2

show toolbar 3

show status bar

contextual menu

JavaScript Code



About this 'Configurator'

I wrote this small web application when I discovered that the instructions for TinyMCE (a wonderful free toolkit for building powerful features into web forms) weren't really written for everyone. As I taught my students how to use TinyMCE, I saw that the existing documentation was written for skilled web developers.

(Many of my students therefore chose to use default settings, which weren't always best for their users' needs.)

So I created this interface, to assist people new to designing writing interfaces to customize TinyMCE for their web application's needs. Writing interfaces are important for good user experience.

Using This in Your Web Pages

To make this work, you must do just a few things:

  1. copy the JavaScript code from the white box above into the <head> of any HTML page on your website.
  2. Then, download any of the free TinyMCE packages from the TinyMCE website.
  3. Then, pull the 'tinymce' folder you just downloaded into the same folder as your HTML (this includes items like the JavaScript file 'tinymce.min.js', and folders named 'plugins', 'skins', 'themes', 'langs,' etc.).
  4. 0

All should now be in the same folder as your HTML. And...you're done. When you load your HTML page, if it has a <textarea> it'll now have a full web toolbar just like the one you configured above. And it should work nicely on a broad range of devices.


Copyright © 2015-22 by Geoffrey Sauer. All rights reserved.

This system is free for anyone to use to generate code, free of charge, to enable you to use TinyMCE in any project, without limitations. No warranty is given or implied. The license for the TinyMCE software itself, of course, is separate and can be found on the TinyMCE.com website.